Visions from a Deeper Land

How can I write words to match?
To echo, to hold sway within
The wonder that builds with each
Stanza spilling like sacred water
Like choirs unheard, unsung,
A silent song left singing to my heart
So empty, yet so full, filling my hungry
Soul, I can hardly express how it fills me
How it lifts me, every part of me,
Every blue thing, every shade, and huge
It is the clouds below my knees.
The music cries all those things I love.
It is the deeper resonance that moves me
The lower register on cello or string bass
It moves me like nothing else
It must be healing I crave it more than food
Like fingers touching deep, moving sweetly
Holding hands and singing with our eyes
I cry as it finds its home in me
Where are the words to tell you how it
Feels to me, how it feels,
I cannot say.

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