Word Painting

Six generations have come and gone
Since Grandma explained the difference
Between what is and is not art.
It has to do with how the paint and brush
Are used, the thought behind each move.
To paint a masterpiece goes beyond the
Limits of technique. Like beauty, it can
Only be described by blending the seer
With the seen.

And so it is with words. With paper as
My canvas, and letters as my paint,
I blend and spread the meanings with
Thoughts behind each move. But where
Has Leonardo gone? Or Solomon? I’d
Settle for Shelley or just a taste of
Flaubert, or Aristotle’s individual word.

I am deeply moved by the concept of
Word. How can I not be reminded:

In the beginning was the Word,
And the Word was with God and the
Word was God. The same was in the
Beginning with God. All things were
Made by him and without him was not
Anything made that was made.

Is there a secret hidden here?
Or is it plain to all but me?
Moving from thought to word,
The masterpiece was painted
⸻With words.

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