Appearance and Reality

Have you seen the heavy fog
As it rolls in along the coast
Obscuring what might be hidden there?
If you have never seen that coast
In broad daylight, you might imagine
How it looks, but, if you know the scene
By heart, you can see the rocks and
Curve of the cliffs clearly in your mind
As if the fog did not exist.

But there is an even deeper mystery
In how we see or think we see what
May, or may not be there. It may only
Be a set of moving fragments constantly
In motion, shape-shifting as it were,
Creating images as we experience their
New creations one moment at a time.

It is thus as children, we cannot see
What others, older see, as our eyes
Are trained to understand the images
We encounter from one new moment to the
Next. It is from the evolving connections
Made by memories that our minds learn
The essence of a tree, or gate, or dog or

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